This is also called a nose job, to alter the look of the nose treatment is performed. This methodology is performed to amend the nose by increasing facial harmony and portion of the nose. This treatment can treat the following:

  • Bridge recession.
  • Aligning the nose.
  • Drooping the tip of the nose.
  • Hooked tip of nasal.
  • Increased tip of nasal.
  • Stabilize the face with the dimension of the nose.
  • At the bridge the breadth and the location of the nozzle.
  • On the nose the visibility of the humps.
  • Candidates who have a broad nozzle.


What Is The Cost Of Rhinoplasty?

The Cost Of Rhinoplasty Nose Reshaping in Islamabad is from 70,000 PKR to 300,000 PKR. The range of the price may vary from practitioner to practitioner based on the level of the services that the patient is using. Get the most affordable packages the cost by consulting with our team.

What Are The Impacting Factors?

  • Anesthesia fees: It is based on the required utilization of the anesthesia on the nose.
  • Operating room facilities: the suit of operation, stock of sterile supplies.
  • Type Of Treatment: It varies on what type is opted for the individual whether its open or close and filler nose job.
  • Other expenses: Medicines prescribed by the surgeon, the follow-up sessions, etc.
  • Locality of the Clinic: It depends on where is the location of the clinic.
  • The Reputation of the Clinic: The name of the clinic is an important factor, the bigger the name the more will the cost.

What Are The Types Of Nose Job?

This methodology is examined major surgery, the nose job is performed by a practitioner and is considered an aesthetic surgery. The types are:

  • Reconstructive Surgery: This procedure is done to swap the form of the hopes of the nose to get back to its normal function.
  • Aesthetic Surgery: This changes the aspect and shape of the nose for appearance reasons.

What Are The Benefits Of The Methodology?

There are several benefits of the methodology, a few are listed below:

  • The duration of recovery is comparatively small.
  • An instant and efficient solution to tackle the defects of the nose.
  • If the candidate is not content, this treatment can easily be altered as it is non-permanent.
  • The chances of infections are low.
  • The methodology is swift and safer for candidates.
  • Only minimum discomfort is caused with the methodology.
  • This treatment is very cheaper.
  • Functionality is enhanced.

What Are The Disadvantages Of The Methodology?

There might be some blemishes and injuries caused to a few individuals. Form a few duration nasal will be swelled. The after-effects of the methodology are short-term and will be gone in some days. Bleeding and infection will be caused but will settle down a few times. To avoid any further harm or side effects it is better and advised to undergo the procedure by an expert surgeon.

What To Expect On The Day Of The Procedure?

This treatment can be performed invasively and non-invasively. In both scenarios the treatment is different. The non-invasive methodology is done with the use of fillers and this is a fast process, pain-free, easy and reversible. While the invasive methodology acquires the use of anesthesia and involves incisions.

While performing the procedure the practitioner will make a cut between the nose to make the marks invisible. The bone and cartilage are altered to stabilize the nose structure. After which the practitioner stitches the cuts with sutures that are dissolvable, dressing is being placed to stop the bleeding or swelling of the nose and to conserve the form of the nose. Soon after the practitioner finalized the methodology, the individual can leave the clinic.

Who Is The Best Candidate?

Individuals who want to fill the bumps in the nozzle or adjust them. The candidates who desire to make the dimension of the nose smaller or slimmer than this method are not for them. After inspecting the nose the surgeon gives guidance to the candidates on whether solutions are liquid or if they need a methodology that is surgical.

A Note From Our Clinic!

Our specialists are experienced tremendously enough to carry out the fragile methodologies and give the best results. For the most authentic and guarded nose job, visit our clinic and experience a memorable time with us.


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