Psoriasis or eczema? It is still necessary to know which pathology affects your epidermis to care for your sensitive skin adequately!
Both have many points in common. Caused by a disruption of the immune system, they are therefore not contagious. However, they will create skin lesions resulting in redness and itching. Finally, they can be aggravated by certain factors, such as stress.
But the resemblance ends there! Here’s how to tell the difference between psoriasis and eczema.
Psoriasis: excessive production of skin cells
At the origin of psoriasis, there is too much renewal of skin cells. Consequently, they accumulate on the epidermis, creating a very itchy inflammation.
Psoriasis is manifested by red patches covered with thick white scales.
Age of first symptoms
Generally, people who have psoriasis are confronted with the first outbreaks from adolescence (around 15 years) or when their skin becomes more mature (after 30 years or between 50 and 60 years).
Psoriasis attacks can occur all over the body> and in particular:
- The face and around the eyes;
- Scalp;
- The nails (they become discoloured and thick, or have veins);
- Hands and feet;
- The outside of the elbows and knees.
Factors triggering relapses
They are varied. Indeed, it can be an injury or an infection, a reaction to certain drugs, excessive consumption of tobacco or alcohol, or even a traumatic psychological shock.
In contrast, unlike eczema, psoriasis is not triggered by environmental factors such as pollution or animal hair.
How to treat psoriasis?
You should know that there is no total cure for psoriasis.
However, some very effective treatments like Psoriasis treatment New York are available to relieve the itching and even achieve extended periods of remission. Biomedicines or systemic (oral) treatments may be suitable for certain forms or stages of psoriasis. There are also local treatments (creams and ointments) to be used alone or in combination with drugs depending on the type of pathology.
The dermatologist can also prescribe, in addition, sessions of light therapy or laser.
Finally, gentler alternative practices also obtain good results: hypnosis, thermal cures, phototherapy, hydration, and specific natural methods.
A valid point to know: Psoriasis is sometimes accompanied by liver problems or psoriatic arthritis.
Eczema: the reaction of a hypersensitive organism
When you have eczema, it means your body is overreacting to multiple outside stimuli. Your skin is in contact with allergens that irritate it, and it lets you know! This is also why eczema is more common in large cities and dry climates.
It is manifested by red patches, covered with small buttons (= the vesicles), containing a serious substance.
Age of first symptoms
It can appear very early! Thus, atopic eczema (the most common) affects babies and toddlers up to 5-8 years on average. Contact eczema, on the other hand, affects adults.
Eczema attacks are usually localized:
- Inside the elbows and knees;
- On the ankles;
- Inside the legs and arms.
- Factors triggering relapses
- Many factors can cause eczema.
First, there are environmental allergens. Eczema attacks can be caused by dust, pollution, animal hair, aggressive chemical substances (in clothing, household or beauty products, etc.), the nickel contained in particular objects (jewellery fantasy, cell phones, leather accessories)
Then, it can also be a reaction to a food allergy. Your body may have difficulty supporting peanuts, eggs, cow’s milk and its derivatives (cream, butter, and cheese), fish and shellfish, or even certain fruits and vegetables.
How to treat eczema?
The dermatologist will prescribe creams and lotions to calm the inflammation and relieve the itching. At the same time, he can also prescribe medications (including antihistamines) to act directly on the allergy.
You will also need to change your lifestyle to identify and remove the cause of eczema attacks. This step can be more tedious because the allergenic factor is easy to identify. However, it is essential to regain a good quality of life!
A valid point to know: Eczema is often associated with other allergic pathologies (asthma, hay fever, etc.).