
If you’re interested in large file sharing, there are a number of services to choose from. Some are easy to use, some require a subscription, and some require an account. We’ve put together a list of the best ones for both types of users.

1. The best internet services for large file sharing and sharing

 For the uninitiated, file sharing is an old idea in which files are automatically shared with people who have permission to view them. It’s often a way to share large files, such as MP3s or videos, and it can be good for people who don’t have access to high-speed internet connections. Sharing online is also popular because we can now access tens of millions of files on our mobile devices.

Large File Sharing

Recently there has been a lot of interest in file-sharing services for the desktop, with offerings like Dropbox and Google Drive growing in popularity. But why limit yourself to desktop users? There are some great options that can be accessed from your mobile device (Android and iOS being the most popular), so let’s look at a few of them:

  • Dropbox

This is one of the best-known providers of file-sharing services and is one of the easiest ways to access content on your mobile device without having an internet connection. It offers both web-based and desktop clients, so if you don’t have a strong internet connection on your laptop or desktop computer (or no data plan for your smartphone) you can still use it.

  • Box

The box is much more than a file-sharing service: it’s also a home server for storing music, photos, and other files — which allows you to share photos you’ve taken with friends, colleagues, or relatives across social networks, as well as transferring large files between devices. It doesn’t offer any paid plans but does offer free trials for up to 30 days (for individuals) or up to 1 year (for businesses).

  • Google Drive

Google Drive takes cloud storage seriously with multiple storage tiers that offer different levels of storage space and features that range from very basic like deleting files (which Google will do itself) all the way up to unlimited storage with no limits on file size or a number of files stored at any given time. The service works across Mac OS X (but not Windows), Linux, and Android platforms — while there are no restrictions on which platforms can access the service, many Android users only have access through Google Play. This means that using Drive means using Google Play too — which has its own set of problems for Android users (Google Play accounts are tied to their phone accounts). But hey — at least we aren’t trying too hard here! At least not yet.

I know what you might be thinking: how does this apply directly to us.

2. The best internet services for small file sharing and sharing

Since most of the websites you visit are hosted by the same hosting provider, there is not a lot of competition. This can be a great thing if you’re looking for a site that is fast, reliable, and always open.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a service that is blazing fast, reliable, and always open. That’s where things get tricky …

Most services that come to mind as good free file sharing sites include:

  • BitTorrent (BT)
  • FilePlanet (FTP)
  • RapidShare (RAPID)
  • Real Networks (REMOTE.US)

Each of these services has its own strengths and weaknesses. But here are some tips to help you decide which one might be right for you:

  1. Is your file small enough to download from a website? If not, it might not be worth downloading from said website. Instead, keep your files on an external hard drive or cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive so that they can be accessed at any time than just when you need them. If your files are too large to download from one of these sites, please consider becoming an affiliate link partner with us instead because this will help us earn more money on your behalf and we will never pass it back to you!
  2. Do I want in-browser download speed? Does my computer already have enough memory? If so, then there is no reason to pay for faster download speeds than downloading directly from the website itself via the buttons or links that they provide on their pages. There may also be a need for faster upload speeds as well but this will depend on how large your files are once downloaded in-browser so it’s best to ask before making any commitment to getting better upload and download speeds outside of the browser.
  3.  Does my internet connection allow me to access my files online? The internet speed needed varies greatly depending on which type of internet connection one uses but generally speaking if there are no buffering issues then it should work fine for most people (with a few exceptions). If it does require buffering then make sure you have enough free space available on your hard drive or the cloud storage service mentioned above so that the traffic doesn’t overwhelm your connection before doing its job properly and downloading your file in full! 4. How extensive/well done was my search carefully?


I have been working on this idea for years, and have seen a lot of changes in the way people send files over the internet (as well as the way file-sharing tools have evolved). While I was writing this post, I was surprised to find out that there are still large file services available: Dropbox and come to mind.

This is where we come in. We want to build a tool that removes the need to download, upload, and store large files. The main reason it will be better than other services is that we are not thinking about people sending files over the internet; instead, we are thinking about how to share them.

Our vision is simple: to be the easiest way to share large files with friends or people you don’t know very well. We want to make it easy for everyone, no matter their background or experience level, and make sure that everyone can share files with ease and convenience. And as always, we want to do it in a way that helps our users get more done with less effort (or at least not more effort).


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