You’ll need a reliable method to confirm that the showerhead will fit your shower arm as you get ready to explore all your possibilities. We’ll talk about that here.
1. Take your old showerhead with you to the store
If you’re anything like me, you could be staring at your shower arm and unsure of whether it’s the appropriate size. If so, you may save a lot of time by just taking your old showerhead with you to the store. You may also detach the shower arm and bring it if the current showerhead is not accessible. By doing so, you may obtain assistance or determine compatibility before having to travel back to your house to use it.
2. Measure your shower arm
You can measure your shower arm to double-check the threads if you live in a remote area, purchase everything online, or are unable to bring the current components to the store for any other reason.
3. Male or Female Threads
First, notice if the threads on your shower arm are male or female. Are the fitting threads on the inside or outside? It has male threads if yours are on the outside. It has female threads if they’re within. Male and female threads are interconnected, so if your shower arm has male threads—which is typical—you’ll need a showerhead with a connection that has female threads, and vice versa.
4. Tapered or Parallel
Next, check to determine if your threads are parallel or tapered. If it is tapered, the threads will show a reduction in diameter. The threads keep a constant diameter if it is parallel. You ought should be able to know just by taking a look at it. It’s likely tapered if you’re in the US or Canada, but you should check to be sure your connecting parts match because a tapered male component will join with a tapered female part.
5. Inner and Outer Diameter
Next, determine the diameter. You should gauge the outer diameter of male threads. You should gauge the interior diameter of female threads. Inner and outer diameters are frequently indicated by the letters “I.D” and “O.D,” respectively. The nominal size or trade size may then be determined by taking that actual measurement and comparing it to a thread chart. A common naming scheme to make components easier to recognise is the nominal size (also known as the trade size). When searching for showerheads, pay attention to these important dimensions. I realise it appears a little excessive. At the store, don’t be hesitant to ask for assistance and clarity.
6. Ask a friend
I live in a metropolis and have no clue who to ask about plumbing, but if I knew someone, I wouldn’t think twice about asking for assistance. Ask for guidance if you are one of the fortunate people who have a friend or relative who is a plumber or someone who just understands a lot about plumbing. You could find that you wind up saving a lot of time and work.
7. Buy a few different showerheads and return the ones that don’t work
Personally, I would try any of the aforementioned suggestions before turning to this one to make sure I acquire the right-sized showerhead. You may always purchase a few showerheads with various sizes and connection types if you lack the equipment to measure, the knowledge to consult an expert, and the ability to transport your present components to the store. See what fits by attempting to attach them all to your shower arm. Since some can be almost the same size but have different threads, I would take care to ensure that it fits well without having to force it. Showerhead leaks are definitely something you want to avoid. All right, let’s take a moment to consider the additional materials you’ll require while you’re out purchasing hardware. Additionally, some of the best products could be found at shower heads Australia.