Attention to certain details, as well as asking certain questions, during the writing and during the correction phase, will improve the text. Here are the points of vigilance to keep in mind to avoid amateurism in your novel.

Writing technique n°1: Limit and prioritize adventures

Beginning authors have the recurring fear of not succeeding in conveying their message or the meaning of the discourse in what they write. Because of this concern, they tend to carry out all the actions in a linear way and without clearly prioritizing what is essential from what is secondary. These writing techniques are also described by the Wikipedia page writing service and they are professional in it.

Writing Technique

To tell the truth, they create confusion for the reader. They explain too much. They even describe things that are clearly understood by remaining implied.

Here is the question to ask yourself to avoid this pitfall: “Would the reader be able to imagine this scene just as effectively if I made an ellipse or an innuendo? Is it obvious to him that it happens like that?

If the answer is yes, there is no need to start developing this action.

Writing technique n°2: Use verbs with connotations

The use of connoted verbs, and strong verbs, will allow you to color your pen. The author makes it more recognizable by varying its vocabulary.

The French language is rich in a myriad of verbs that must be used to point out the nuances of its action.

Be careful not to fall into the exercise of style. But our way of writing will be significantly improved if we force ourselves to get out of our usual and familiar vocabulary list.

Writing technique n°3: Avoid always using the same sentence structure

All authors have writing automatisms. We tend to write our sentences the same way. It is natural and human.

However, this is a point of vigilance to be aware of. It is simply a question of varying the construction of its sentences. This will bring dynamism to his text. A too repetitive rhythm tires the reader

This writing technique applies more to correction, the moment when you can take the time to modify your sentences to change the attack, worry about their length, etc.

Writing technique n°4: Avoid over-explanatory explanations

“Show, don’t tell. We cannot repeat this adage of the mother writing technique of prose enough.

Rather than being in an explanatory or informative formulation, want to stage your story and use dialogue whenever relevant.

Recurring explanations and descriptions put the reader in a passive position. He does not have to think or imagine what is happening since everything is told to him. Now, it will start dropping text.

The reader must question the plot and the characters, the future nature, and the secrets of the characters. He must want to get the answers to his questions. And for that, keep reading. also, always ask yourself if you can do otherwise than “say” or if you have no better alternative.

Writing technique n°5: Be precise in your writing

In the same way that you have to color your pen with connoted verbs, you have to avoid being too neutral in all your choice of vocabulary.

You have to leave an impression on the reader. The text should be personalized us specific terrific. When correcting, it is therefore important to note the repetition of neutral or imprecise words.

Writing technique n°6: Create an emotional lift

A good novel plays with the emotions of the reader. We pressure it up, we peak, we come down, we go up, we peak, we come down again. This narrative undulation is the basis of a page-turner.

Think of your story in such a way that your action speeds up and slows down several times, with more or less intensity.

Writing technique n°7: Give flaws to your characters

A perfect character is a failed character. We must eradicate perfection. The next writing technique is to create nuanced characters.

It’s his flaws that make a character interesting. We don’t care what happens to a perfect person. You absolutely have to give it a personality with contradictions. A human being is a sum of changing contradictions.

All of these flaws will ensure that you create multidimensional characters, which are therefore believable and interesting.

Writing technique n°8: Ask yourself if you can reduce the number of words

Fewer words mean more power, and therefore more emotion for the reader. The result is a more dynamic novel.

Beginning authors sometimes have the illusion that the more detail you go into, the more the reader will feel like you’re getting your money’s worth.

However, the opposite is happening. The job of the author is not to fill pages. He is not paid by the word. His job is to arouse emotions in his reader.

The question to ask is, “Can I explain it more effectively in fewer words?”

Writing technique n°9: How to make this chapter or this scene more interesting?

The next writing technique is to ask yourself this question which allows you to look for flaws in your scene.

What would make my scene more interesting?

To answer it, you will look for the approximation, the floating in your scene. To improve your text, you have to question it, you have to dig into the possibilities.

Writing technique n°10: Check the credibility of your hero’s reactions

Finally, the amateurism of a text is often revealed through characters who are not credible. Avoid this mistake by asking yourself if your character’s reaction is in line with what you said about him.

“In the context of this scene, with the personality of my hero, would I have reacted like him?

Play the role of your hero. If you took her place in this scene with her personality and story, would you react the way you described it?

This writing technique is an effective way to validate the credibility of your hero’s reaction, and therefore the logic of your scene.


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